Coconut Milk
Delicious meals come from high quality ingredients such as Ahya’s Coconut Milk
Virgin Coconut Oil
A healthier alternative is always the best alternative.
Coconut Water
We have captured life’s miracle water,brought to you in the freshest form possible in convenient packages.
Desiccated Coconut
A popular unique flavor enhancer now popular in many kitchens.
Coconut Flour
Today’s affordable alternative for your daily cooking and baking needs.

Ahya Coco Organic Food Manufacturing Corp.

We are about nature, people, and technology harmoniously working together in the pursuit of giving healthier choices for consumers all over the world.

We have the edge.

The processing plant is situated in a watershed area where pure and clean water is in abundance. This assures Ahya consumers of the utmost efficiency in the processing and packaging of high quality products. For Ahya, freshness is first. We process where we harvest-amidst the abundance of coconut trees.

What is Coconut?​

Coconut is a mature fruit of the cocos nucifera palm. It is one of very versatile and indispensable food item for millions of inhabitants in South and South-East Asia, and Pacific islands. It is one of the most sought-after ingredients in the kitchen since it employed in almost each and every recipe prepared in these parts of the world.

Cocos nucifera belongs to the large Palmaceae family of palm trees. Coco palm grows well under tropical climates. The palm requires moist, sandy, well-drained soil and flourishes well all along the saline-rich coastal regions.

The coconut palm is an un-branched, erect, tall-growing tree that may reach more than 100 feet in height and has a lifetime of about 75 to 100 years. Once planted, it may take about 4-5 years to begin their first produce, and often, quite longer time in some species. Several hundred species of the coconut palms grown all over the tropics, and their taste of meat and flavor of water thus may vary according to saline content of the soil, distance from sea-shore, amount of rain-fall, etc.

In a season, a single coconut palm may yeild 20-150 mature nuts. The fruit is almost spherical to oval in shape and measure between 5-10 inches in width. Its rough outer husk is light green, which becomes dry and turn gray as the nut matures. The husk (exocarp) is about 1-2 inches in thickness and made of tough fibers. Underneath the husk, there is a woody shell enclosing inner edible meat (kernel-endosperm). Recently harvested mature fruits contain some amount of sweet water inside its central hollow cavity surrounded by the white meat (endosperm). The fruit with its shell, kernel, and water together constitutes a “coconut” in the market.

Some Health Benefits of Coconut